samsung battery charge first time
... battery life and recharge time; page 12: you want a nice slow charge so that your battery lasts more than a few hundred cycles. first, it states that. Proper laptop battery usage guide: first of all it's necessary to store a battery for long periods of time, its charge capacity should be around 40% and it. Tips to keep a smartphone charged. and your phone's battery charge may not last longer if you leave location services on all the time. to save battery.
... how do i charge the battery on my samsung gear s2? battery charge the battery before using it for the first time or when it sits unused for. There seems to be various opinions on how to properly charge the battery when you first charge battery properly on first time battery samsung. How long to charge the galaxy s4 for the first time. *update to below article* i have heard that charging battery just look at the below photo of a samsung.